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Duke Port
x4500Date: Monday, 2012-02-20, 1:19 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 2
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Will it be a Duke Nukem 3D Port?
I know, that it is Duke Nukem Port in the market, but it so laggy. For Example, on my Phone i have the problem with textures

Thank you, for port of Heretic.
lubomyrDate: Thursday, 2012-03-01, 10:16 PM | Message # 2
Group: Administrators
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I tried long time ago to create android port of Duke Nukem 3D but without success.
When will be have more time, i will try again.

Колись пробував - неполучилось, можливо потім знову спробую.
x4500Date: Monday, 2012-04-09, 4:29 PM | Message # 3
Group: Users
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Quote (lubomyr)

I tried long time ago to create android port of Duke Nukem 3D but without success.
When will be have more time, i will try again.

Колись пробував - неполучилось, можливо потім знову спробую.

Thank you for answer
But can you to make upgrade to your Heretic Port...can you make controll more comfortable, because when i touch screen it quick look up or down. It is not not comfortable to play
Thank it advance

Дякую за вашу відповідь.
Але, чи не могли би ви зробити невеличкий апргрейд до вашого порту heretic...зробити зручніше керування, бо коли я торкаюся екрану, то він різко дивится на гору або вниз. Дуже не зручно грати.
Наперед дякую
andwan0Date: Wednesday, 2016-06-15, 2:59 PM | Message # 4
Group: Users
Messages: 5
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Status: Offline
Yes, there is heretic/hexen ports and even doom ports..
but no duke3d ports.
there is icculus and rancidmeat duke3d which uses sdl... so it shouldn't be hard to port to android
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