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Main » Files » Games

2016-02-25, 6:15 PM


builded with native google ndk & glshim & pelya's SDL-lib

Android port by Lubomyr

Freespace2 demo -


demo data files will be downloaded on run 60mb


Freespace2 release version


game datafiles for release version are not included in packages

put them into Antroid/data/org.icculus.freespace2/files

You need to put 3 files from original game: Root_fs2.vp, sparky_fs2.vp, sparky_hi_fs2.vp


Source code:


Category: Games | Added by: lubomyr
Views: 3394 | Downloads: 0 | Comments: 17 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 4
4 Rayman010303  
Hi it's there a way to download this port? Looks amazing the performing of Freespace in android :D

P.D:Any plans to port DXX_Rebirth to android? Actually it's based in SDL

3 madix  
Здравствуйте lubomyr, не могли бы вы, пожалуйста собрать apk из этого репозитория,
мой пк не тянет AndroidStudio. Заранее благодарен.

2 lubomyr  
Control provided via libSDL. I do not have any ideas what currently libSDL support or not.
This site builded via uCoz builder and hosting.I do not have any idea how to change it.
As i saw game works not correct on device with full hd screen. I will try to fix it.
I also want to port more powerful project FS2open which support freespace2 mods as "The Babylon project"

1 Baboon  
This looks amazing! I'll have to download and try tonight! One question - does this support physical controls (bluetooth controllers or nvidia shield pad etc)?

Off topic but your captcha code for submitting comments here is almost impossible for me to read (it probably doesn't help I'm colour blind)?

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